Continuing Home

The ongoing saga of a Continuing Anglican church home, as seen by a member of the laity.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Potpourri II

A few small things to note from today:

Evensong will not be conducted Thursday and Friday evenings this week. This was forgotten in today's announcements.

Fr. Daniel wrapped up his 3-part homily on Faith, Hope and Love today, on love & charity. Very well done! A nice fit with the Epistle too (it's been several years since I listened to, instead of read, that Epistle).

Gordon announced our "Anglican version of Mardi Gras" (Shrove Tuesday) Tuesday, following Evensong at 5 PM. He reported that Gene, "the best pancake flipper in both King and Snohomish counties," has been drafted for the event.

In today's Bible Study Class ("A long time to get through Ephesians"), Fr. Daniel noted that he'd come across a real gem in our library, from Fr. Leen's collection:"The Epistle to the Ephesians: a practical exposition" by Bishop Charles Gore, 1909. This will be added to our class' reference material, "Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture."

And finally, Fr. Daniel announced the resumption of the Wednesday night Rector's Class for the duration of Lent. Each day during Lent and Easter Week we will individually read from "A Time to Turn: Anglican Readings for Lent and Easter Week," compiled by Christopher L. Webber, with a number of Anglican authors including Lancelot Andrewes, Thomas Cranmer, John Donne, and Harriet Beecher Stowe. On wednesdays we will discuss the readings. The class will begin next week, on March 8th (and once again I will be away that day, but "only" to Baltimore).


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