Continuing Home

The ongoing saga of a Continuing Anglican church home, as seen by a member of the laity.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Scheduling services

I noted earlier this week that our services for the Triduum (the three days preceding Easter) are all set for 6 PM:
Maundy Thursday 6PM Holy Communion
Good Friday 6PM Tenebrae
Easter Even 6 PM Service of Light, Renewal of Baptismal Vows

This is new, and different from what we've done before, though we've had no set pattern: Fr. Leen held vigil from noon to 3 PM on Good Friday and Fr. David (with his flair for the dramatic) a service unlike any I'd seen before. Fr. David held vigil at 11 PM, as I recall, which made me a bit groggy on Easter.

It's difficult for such a wide-flung parish in an area with traffic as bad as Seattle's to set a time that's good for all. Many of us work, some don't like driving at night (or in our infamous traffic), so 6 PM is probably the best compromise.

The timing for Tenebrae was also set for the lighting. The lights in the church will wind up all off, but there will still be enough light from the windows to read by.

I missed the Maundy Thursday service (I was visiting my wife in the hospital after work), but will be there for the rest of the services). Hopefully there was a good turnout last night, and will be tonight and tomorrow.


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