Evensong and Andrewes
Following a delicious supper provided by Rhonda, Barbara and Fr. Daniel, we attended the Rector's Lenten Class. This week (I am sorry to say I missed last week due to business travel) Deacon Ed led a discussion of Lancelot Andrewes, his times and his contributions to the Anglican church.
I came away just thinking there is so much we don't know, but ought to... How do we pass all this on? Confirmation classes are too short to embody, to pass on, the entirety of our faith. A lot of this is stuff we should all know, not just the clergy. An Anglican blogger today asked: What is an Anglican? I suspect too many Anglicans couldn't answer the question well.
At 10:34 AM,
Anonymous said…
(cough, cough, ahem) Everyone did a such great job making a Joyful Noise unto the Lord! Yes, and to allieviate any anxieties, the NEW material can also be found in The Hymnal, 1940, but it was presented in booklet form, so that the congregation didn't have to flip back and forth too much. The Hymnal, 1940 provides sung settings of the opening versicles & responses of Morning and Evening Prayer, as well as numerous settings for the Canticles (Plainsong or Anglican Chant). We sang "Magnificat" # 746 and "Nunc dimmittis" #673. The portion of The Hymnal entitled, "The Choral Service" is excerpted from a 1927 book of the same name, published under the editorship of Canon C. Winfred Douglas, and approved by General Convention. It contains musical notation for the Daily Offices, The Litany and The Holy Communion, while remaining faithful to the content of the BCP and not adding any new innovatory prayers or devotions (unlike some resources available today). "The Choral Service" is a great treasure to have on your shelves, especially if you are a traditional Anglican priest, choir conductor or organist. ;)
At 11:32 AM,
Continuing Home said…
Matt, we're not only lucky, we're blessed!
At 5:47 PM,
Mark said…
I loovve Evensong.
Something else I've come to love is singing (chanting, actually) the Litany. My parish does that during Lent.
At 9:20 PM,
Continuing Home said…
Fr. Daniel, I have to laugh -- the church we attended before coming to St. Bartholomew's had a choir who actually, and correctly, named themselved "The Joyful Noise." To a visitor I'm sure they were, um, not the best, but if only because we knew them and knew how hard they were trying, it was okay.
At 9:26 PM,
Continuing Home said…
Chanting the Litany... I agree completely! I don't know if it's the late (for me) hour, but I don't recall right now if it was Fr. Daniel or his predecessor who first introduced us to that.
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