Continuing Home

The ongoing saga of a Continuing Anglican church home, as seen by a member of the laity.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Easter Even

Tonight's service was Easter Even, which proceeded in four phases.

We started the Lighting of the New Fire back in the Narthex with all lights off. Fr. Daniel lit a candle which I carried forward into the church, stopping at the font (at the rear of the pews), midway through the pews, and at the altar rail; at each pause Fr. Daniel said "The Light of Christ" and we all responded.

Then we went into the Lighting of the Paschal Candle, which began with Fr. Daniel singing the Exultet. At the appropriate time I lit the Paschal Candle from the candle carried in, then with a taper the other candles were light, then the taper was carried down the aisle and parishioners' candles were lit. (This was different from last year, where the parishioners' candles were lit on the way in. I think I like this even better; the drama of the initially lone light going forward, spreading in the Sanctuary then back down the pews.)

At the end of this phase, the Sanctuary and then the Nave lights were brought up, reversing my experience of the evening before with a [click!]half-on for each.

We then did The Ante-Communion (Holy Communion up to the Gospel lesson for today), followed by the Renewal of Baptismal Vows.

As one of our members noted afterward, "It was so wonderful to be there last night when the lights went out, and then again tonight when they came on again." (I hope I remember that right, Dee!) I agree.


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