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Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Today was the celebration of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (transferred). Fr. Daniel planned a service of Evensong (Evening Prayer) into Holy Communion, with "bells & smells," followed by a light supper. I was a little disappointed in the low turnout -- perhaps I got my hopes up with the rather larger than usual "Low Sunday" turnout the Sunday after Easter. But I learned some folks had conflicts, and likely the rest of our "regulars" did too.

Fr. Daniel e-mailed me earlier to ask if I would help out as Epistler and Thurifer, and I agreed. Even when I'm not fully up to snuff, as today, I'm still blessed when I can serve.

When I arrived, Fr. Daniel and Danny were in the Sacristy. Danny (coming up on 4?) seems to be taking an interest in what goes on and followed intently as the thurible was lit -- Can I say? I am SO glad we finally replaced the way-too-old supply of thurible charcoal that seemingly wouldn't light even if you held a propane (or even oxyacetylene) torch to it! Touch a common match to this new stuff and it just lights.

Fr. Daniel and Danny watched from the pews subsequently as I lit all the candles, more than I'd ever dealt with as boy acolyte. Back in the Sacristy Fr. Daniel reviewed the various occasions we'd be using the thurible, and after ringing a bell (that I don't recall seeing before) we processed from the Sacristy.

In the service the thurible seemed more "active" than I'd ever seen it; at one point the pews were partially obscured by the smoke as I stood there holding it. Good thing our smoke-sensitive parishioners weren't there. The scent will probably linger on for days.

Fr. Daniel's homily gave one a lot to think about, but as this was one of his extemporaneous sermons it won't appear on the church website. Part of the evening's highlights but nothing to relate here, more is the pity.

After service's conclusion with my expert (I hope) performance of the office of "The Extinguishing Of All Those Many Candles In Their Correct Order," another surprise awaited in the Parish Hall.

As Fr. Daniel had noted, it was a simple supper that had been prepared. But he presented (and made? I hope? yet another St. B's closet chef?) some wonderful hot sandwiches for tonight, labeled "The Gabriel (a smoked swiss and ham melt with a touch of Dijon)" and "The Avondale (a turkey and cheddar melt)." Clearly "The Gabriel" was related to the day, and "The Avondale" -- well, we're on Avondale Road.

They were extremely good. And meals with other members of our parish family are always enjoyable.

A good evening, a good end to a day that was for me otherwise, and... Chef Gordon, you just should have been there.


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