An Advent Calendar for the Geeks among us
I should have just arrived in Minneapolis on my way home, but they canceled the flight due to weather (snow) there. I'm re-booked for a 6:45 AM flight tomorrow morning, but with snow arriving here in Chicago in the morning... who knows? Nevertheless, I have a little time to catch up on the world after a very busy week at a conference and ran across a reference on Slashdot to this gem:
Warning -- you need to be a geek to understand this!
At 12:41 AM,
Carson Clark said…
Hello. Just came across your blog. Really enjoyed the read.
I'm an aspiring clergy-writer who's new to the Anglican tradition, and am trying to find Anglican readers. The title of my blog is "Musings of a Hard-Lining Moderate: The assorted thoughts of an evangelical Anglican."
Right now I'm doing a series on the doctrine of Scripture, which was prompted by the crisis in the global communion. Also recently wrote a post on the value of the christian calendar.
Don't know if you'd be interested, but here's the link:
Have a great day.
Grace & Peace,
At 1:03 PM,
Continuing Home said…
Thank you very much for the link! I have fallen out of the habit of reading other Anglican blogs, but your is interesting.
At 2:00 PM,
Carson Clark said…
I appreciate you saying that, and visiting my page and visiting mine.
Just musing aloud here, but I think there's two things I *try* to do different than other Anglican bloggers which, I hope, sets me about:
1. I recognize that I'm a Christian first and an Anglican second.
2. I try to frame my stuff more as a journal of self-discovery than a "here's how it is and, by the way, you're wrong and stupid." Trying to be humble, I guess.
3. I wrote about more than Anglicanism. I am Anglican and it no doubt influences on my view on a great many things, but, let's be honest, there's more to life than knowing and arguing about the happenings in the Anglican communion.
That's my take, anyway.
At 2:01 PM,
Carson Clark said…
Huh. Looks like I made 4 typos in about 20 words. Whoops :)
At 9:26 PM,
Continuing Home said…
No, you have a good approach to your blog. For a number of years I ran a little "clipping service" sort of like David Virtue's but without comment for a number of Anglicans and interested others. Just before one Lent I realized it was beginning to get under my skin so I spent Lent completely away from the news, closeted in the parish garden as it were and after Easter... I never went back.
And that is how I fell out of the habit of reading Anglican-related blogs. And they're not all on the happenings in the world-wide Anglican Communion -- some are of their own journeys.
I wish our Fr. Davis would pick his up; just the story of an Anglican priest raised a Baptist would be fascinating. He brings with him perspectives I'd never see.
And I know your blog is about much more and I intend to revisit it, but when I have more time than at work during the day (it's a very busy week for me).
The value of the church calendar was the posting that immediately resonated with me; I have watched others learn and absorb this concept new to them. How strange to me to think of being without it.
Thanks again for the link! It's now bookmarked on my bookmark toolbar under the "Anglican" tab. I'll be back...
4 typos in 20 words? You should see what potentially happens when I post from my Android phone using Swype. (Did I say I was a geek too? A number of us techies at St. Bart's, here in Microsoft-land.)
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