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The ongoing saga of a Continuing Anglican church home, as seen by a member of the laity.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Putting the Mass back in Christmas

Somebody pointed me to this interesting page, All About Christmas, which along with plenty of information about Christmas, customs, dates and much more, also notes:
Unfortunately, in recent times, the Church has taken a backseat to food preparation, gift opening, and other festivities that are unrelated to the primary festivity: celebrating the Incarnation of God. Many people mention the need to put Christ back in Christmas, but the need is greater than that. As an Anglo-Catholic (Anglican) priest I heard speak once noted: people also need to put the "mass" back in Christmas."
Guilty as charged, somewhat, though I did attend Mass this morning (making up for missing Midnight Mass last night?). And as a result of accompanying my sister on a visit to her husband who is pretty far gone with Alzheimer's, and a slow drive home through the snow (which oddly is not falling here at all), dinner preparations and all the rest didn't start until mid-afternoon.

But I found the webpage interesting, including the speculations on why we celebrate Christmas on December 25th (the suggestion is that it's rooted in a Jewish, not pagan, custom) and the reminder that that's not the point at all.


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