Continuing Home

The ongoing saga of a Continuing Anglican church home, as seen by a member of the laity.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


It turns out I was wrong about the Schola Cantorum. The group is being formed for an ecumenical musical event to be held at a nearby Roman Catholic event. Fr. Davis picked a group and, in casting about for a name, thought of "Schola Cantorum". He was quite amused that we already had had same, with much the same folks. (Three of our young women's voices are now scattered around the country, away at college, but we'll just have to do without -- at least until they improve cellphones' speakerphone quality.)

First practice tonight wasn't too bad, at least for those of us who haven't sung in a long time. With a little practice I think I could regain the necessary range for tenor, through baritone felt more comfortable.

But we're going to need more than just Thursday night practices; perhaps a short session after Coffee Hour too.


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